OK, I know I have been really bad about posting recipes this week, but it is my last week of my first rotation and it has kept me so busy! Tomorrow is my last day, then I have a short... Continue reading →
Living in San Francisco, I am only 1 hour away from wine country, yet I have never explored it this whole time I have been living here. My friend and I decided to start our Sunday by taking a tour... Continue reading →
Aren’t these the cutest? I found this recipe from Cooking Light and thought they were just the cutest things ever! I think if my vegetables were served in these as a kid, I would have been way more excited about... Continue reading →
Once I finished my work at the hospital today, I was craving something sweet. The entire way home, I contemplated if I should make cookies or not. Basically, the debate was over making something healthy like a fruit bowl vs.... Continue reading →
Cinco de Mayo is right around the corner! Are you doing anything special? I usually indulge in homemade Mexican food every year to celebrate. FLASHBACK! Two years ago around Cinco de Mayo, Fabi and I were hiking in Yosemite with... Continue reading →
OK…I have to admit, the thought of black bean brownies completely disgusted me when I first heard of them. Brownies made of black beans…. really?! That just does not sound appetizing. When I think of black beans, I think of... Continue reading →
Today went by so fast, I felt like my head was spinning. Mondays are usually really busy for me after a lazy weekend, but today seemed to be worse than usual. I had to get up really early to read... Continue reading →
It was a gorgeous day in the city today, but unfortunately I was roaming the hospital all day and only got to enjoy the beautiful view from the floors. I am so glad it is Friday! That means a weekend... Continue reading →
The other night after work, Fabi brought me home a HUGE pack of fresh organic strawberries he picked up on his way home. I have mentioned on here a million times that strawberries are my favorite fruit, so I was... Continue reading →
Why do I love these strawberry banana muffins so much? 1) I love strawberries – they are my absolute favorite fruit! 2) They are organic 3) They are low-fat 4) Dare I say, they are healthy! You heard me correctly…there... Continue reading →